Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Last Sunday evening, I found myself sitting on a polished cement floor a breeze drifting in the door, a table with vibrators at my head. And Barbara Carrellas sitting on a cushion talking about her first communion, ecstatic experiences, chakras and breath. And I was really, really happy.

Barbara talked about we can use our breath and our intention to expand our orgasms. She talked about how we learn to have sex by being quite, holding our breath and being quick. And then she taught us how to do the opposite. At the end of the class, she led us in a guided meditation that brought our breath thru each chakra and ended with a breath orgasm. The energy in the room was amazing.

At the end, I cried. and felt tingly. And felt more at peace than I have in a long time. It was an amazing experience.

And it made me think about a lot of things. Not least of which is how lucky I am. Through the store, and through Dark Odyssey, I have met some of the best sex educators in the country. Over the past two years, many of them have come to the store. Each month I get to learn from the best. And I'm grateful. And honored.

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